Jerneja Černilogar: To read or not to read 1000 books? Is there a shortcut to staying on top of the annual production of books for children and young adults?

Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, which is part of the Ljubljana City Library, presents the Golden Pear, a mark of quality for children's and YA books, and the Manual for Reading Quality Youth Books, which evaluates the annual production of youth literature in Slovenia in a unique and critical way. Both are a valuable help to librarians and libraries, teachers, reading mentors, parents, students and professionals in the field of youth literature.

Jerneja Černilogar graduated in English and Spanish language and literature at the University of Ljubljana. A former school librarian, she now works at the Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, a competence centre in the field of youth librarianship and promotion of reading. She is a member of the editorial board of the Manual for Reading Quality Youth Books and coordinates the EU project G-BOOK for Ljubljana City Library, promoting gender positive children’s and YA literature.

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