Slovenian Comics in Translation

Spearkers: Majda Koren, Damijan Stepančič, Jurij Devetak, David Krančan

Majda Koren is the author and Damijan Stepančič the illustrator of the best-selling comic book series that children can't seem to get enough of: two world-famous pig criminals are chased by lnspector Joe. Jurij Devetak has adapted a novel from one of the best known Slovenian authors for adults - Boris Pahor. Necropolis is a grafic novel which makes the best literature more approachable to YA audience. David Krančan has adapted folk tales to comics for the youngest. Each of the illustrators has found his own way of bringing stories closer to the audience - will translations be as successful as the originals?

Coorganiser: Sinnos

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