Jure Engelsberger

Jure Engelsberger (1977) has been drawing and illustrating since childhood. In secondary school, he founded the punk band Racija, which recorded three albums between 1995 and 2000. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana (ALUO) and continued his education at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki. He worked with comics, classic animation, and newspaper illustration. He also designed corporate visual identities, CD covers, and concert posters, played guitar or drums in various bands, and wrote music and lyrics. Since 2011 he has focused exclusively on illustrating children’s and young adult books. In his free time he is still passionate about music and kamishibai. He has received numerous honourable mentions, nominations and awards, including the Award of Typographic Excellence, the Golden Bird Award for Design and Illustration, an Honourable Mention for Excellence at the Brumen Biennial, the ALUO Student Award, the Golden Kamishibai Award, and the Hinko Smrekar Accolade. Books with his illustrations have received the Večernica Award, the Cankar Accolade, the Golden Pear Rating, and the Golden Pear Award.

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