Izar Lunaček

Izar Lunaček (1979) is a comics artist, illustrator, translator, publisher, and promoter of comics. He completed his studies in painting as well as in philosophy and comparative literature. He has been publishing comics in local newspapers and magazines (Slovenske novice, Delo, Stripburger, and Mladina) since 1999, he drew the first Slovenian webcomic Paradise Misplaced from 2009 to 2011, and he published his comics blog column online at delo.si and ludliteratura.si from 2014 to 2020. His comics have been collected and published in eleven books so far, including one in Spain (Paraíso extraviado, 2013) and two in the United States (Animal Noir, 2016, and Holy Fools and Funny Gods, 2023). In 2012 he began organising monthly comics-themed evenings, which eventually evolved into the first international comics festival in Slovenia, Stripolisfest. After two years and with the involvement of other protagonists of the Slovenian comics scene, Stripolisfest became the Tinta Festival, the main annual comics event in Slovenia today. He has had several solo exhibitions, and several of the books he collaborated on have received the Golden Pear Rating.

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